Ethical Fashion Guide | Spring Fashion | Change the World by How You Shop
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The Batik Boutique: Uniquely Artisanal Fair Fashion for Women.

Ethical Spring Fashion

Spring Clothes for the Whole Family

Below is our guide to help you find where to buy ethically-made and fair trade spring fashion for men, women and kids.  Each purchase provides quality spring wear for your family + meaningful income for those who make each item.

(NOTES: Prices and availability may change without notice.  If you buy through some of these links, a small amount will come back to help support our mission.)

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The Lemonade Boutique: Clothing with a Cause: Your purchase allows women to take life's lemons and make lemonade.

Get 10% off at The Lemonade Boutique with the code: 


Ethical Spring Fashion for the Whole Family
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